
"The Inland Revenue Department is requesting all taxpayers whose personal information is obsolete, to kindly visit the office at their earliest convenience to facilitate updates"



The Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Competent Authority for the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis has revised the filing deadline for FATCA and CRS reporting

The Saint Kitts and Nevis AEOI Competent Authority wishes to advise the Financial Institutions that it is now extending its FATCA reporting deadline for the 2019 reporting period to 30th November 2020.
The Saint Kitts and Nevis AEOI Competent Authority is also extending its CRS reporting deadline for the 2020 reporting period to 30th November 2020.



Liquor Licence

The St.Kitts and Nevis Government has suspended all Liquor Licence renewals until further notice.



Liquor Licence

All Liquor Licence renewals start at the Sir Lee Llewelyn Moore Judicial Complex (Court's Cashier.) The stub given there, should be presented to the Inland Revenue Department in order to process the Licence.



The Due Date for Payment of Property Tax 2020 has been extended to September 30, 2020, as per the initiative outlined in the COVID-19 Stimulus Package 2020"



Taxpayers are reminded that property tax is due and payable each year, on or before June 30th.

NB All property bills with arrears, must first be queried at the Customer Service Section, before payment is made. Property bills without arrears should be taken directly to the Cashier Section for payment.




The Saint Christopher and Nevis Licensing Authority (Traffic Department) of the Royal Saint Christopher and Nevis Police Force is tasked with the responsibility of administering driver and vehicle licences and is empowered under the Chapter 15.06 Vehicles and Road Traffic Act. The Licensing Authority works closely with the Inland Revenue Department which issues both the driver’s licence card and the vehicle decal after payment of the appropriate fees.

To drive within the Federation, the driver of the vehicle must obtain a driver’s licence. A permanent licence is issued for three (3) years while a temporary licence has a duration of three months or one year. It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license. An individual must be at least sixteen(16) years of age to be licenced to drive a motorcycle. All other vehicles require a minimum age of eighteen (18). There may be other restrictions relating to specific classes of vehicles. Vehicles are licenced for a maximum period of one year and the renewal date is dependent on the last digit of the licence plate. Vehicles are inspected annually at registered inspection agencies, a list of which can be obtained from the vehicle licencing authority.


The renewal period for vehicle licences is based on the last digit on the number plate (i.e.: P 3325 renews in May, HA 962 renews in February, H 90 renews in October). The licence is valid for a maximum period of one year if renewed at its scheduled time. If not renewed as scheduled, the licence will be valid for less than one year. It is illegal and dangerous to drive an unlicenced vehicle.


Renews in May each year
Renews in October each year


Black plates are assigned to vehicles for personal use and these vehicles are not to be used for any commercial purposes.
Yellow plates are assigned to vehicles that are licenced for taxi services.
Green plates are assigned to vehicles that are used for general public transportation.




  • A tax liability is in arrears once the debt is not paid by the prescribed due date.